
My tutoring services are designed specifically for your child’s learning style.

  • enhance learning, interactive learning, math manipulatives

    Interactive Learning

    Students thrive when they actively engage with the materials by utilizing various manipulatives and resources to enhance their learning.

  • math manipulatives, student based learning, tutoring for kids

    Student Led

    Optimal learning occurs when students can engage with content at a pace tailored to their individual needs.

  • hands on learning, math manipulatives, student based learning, tutoring for kids

    Hands-on Materials

    Using various materials provides students with multiple ways to learn content, enhancing the learning experience and leading to a greater understanding of the content.  

  • Play-based learning, problem solving, math manipulatives, student based learning, tutoring for kids, learn through play

    Play-Based Learning

    Play-based learning fosters a child's natural curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving abilities while making the educational experience enjoyable and engaging.

  • Student raised hand

    Question Everything

    Encourage students to ask questions about everything! When students understand the why behind the content they are learning, comprehension becomes easier to achieve. 

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”

— Ignacio Estrada

Sign Up Today!

Sessions are offered in person and online!

  • Free Consultation!

    15 minute

    For new students only. Before committing to a tutoring session, book a free 15 minute session to see if we are the right fit for each other.

  • Mini Lesson

    30 minutes

    The Mini Session is perfect for focusing on a specific subject area or checking in about a skill discussed in a previous session. The goal of this session is to maximize student understanding and progress in a specific area.

  • Full Session

    1 hour

    Full sessions are designed to help us dive into content and curriculum that may need extra attention and practice. Meeting for an hour offers a more extended and comprehensive learning experience compared to shorter sessions. We also have the flexibility to cover multiple topics during one session.

  • Session Packs


    3-Session Pack & 6-Session Pack

    If you are looking for consistent support for your growing learner, a 3 or 6-session pack may be perfect for you. In addition to a discount, session packs give you the opportunity to book multiple sessions in advance, ensuring your child gets consistent guidance and support.

    *Includes 3 or 6 Full Sessions.

Start the adventure today.